Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Kanye and Michel and Adam and Jon

Ugh, I posted another video, seemingly without issues, but I've been told it doesn't work for everyone. Regardless, I'll proceed with this post.

All right, I dug up the final video clip that I knew was somewhere in my archives and -- get this -- I edited out all the commercials before uploading it. Look, you even get bonus Michel Gondry awesomeness.

By the way, I love Late Registration, it's one of my favorite Jon Brion collaborations, possibly just behind the Aimee Mann records and the Eternal Sunshine soundtrack, and I feel incredibly lucky that we were there the first time Kanye joined Jon at Largo. If you're listening for Brionisms, this track is a great place to start. The piano is a no-brainer, but those squelchy bass sounds in the background are probably Jon's MicroKorg in action. My favorite song on the record is still "Gone," wherein a Jon Brion track breaks out in the middle of a rap tune -- but I digress.

Back to the video: The Jon Brion content starts around the 13-minute mark, but maybe you'll stick around for the rest of the footage. Enjoy (if YouTube lets you)!

See also:
» i won't be denied
» i want my JBTV

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